
[see Abstracts]

Hazari, S. (2025). Marketing Students' Perceptions Towards ChatGPT: An AI-assisted Inductive Thematic Analysis, Marketing Education Review. https://10.1080/10528008.2025.2470198

Hazari, S. (under review). "TikTok made me buy it": Investigating brand influencer impact on purcahse intention of TikTok users.

Hazari, S. (2024). Understanding loyalty towards Facebook and the mediating role of trust: An expected confirmation theory perspective. International Journal of Electronic Marketing & Retailing, 15(3),. pp. 261-287.

Hazari, S. (2024). Justification and roadmap for AI (Artificial Intelligence) literacy courses in higher education, Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 14(1), 106-118.

Hazari, S., Talpade, S. & Brown, C. O. (2024). Do brand influencers matter on TikTok? A social influence theory perspective, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 32(3), 271-289.

Hazari, S. (2024). An exploratory study of student dispositions and perceptions towards ChatGPT: An Inquiry into attitudinal patterns and responses. Report.

Hazari, S. (2023). 100 Useful ChatGPT prompts for Students, Educators, & Researchers. Amazon Press.

Hazari, S. & Sethna, B. (2023). A comparison of lifestyle marketing and brand influencer advertising for Generation Z Instagram users. Journal of Promotion Management, 29(4), 491-534..

Hazari, S. (2022 ). Investigation of generational differences in advertising behavior and fake news perception among Facebook users. International Journal of Internet Marketing & Advertising, 17(1/2), 20-47.

Sethna, B. N., Hazari, S., Talpade, S. (2021). Antecedents of Satisfaction with Facebook in the context of user involvement, privacy, and trust, Journal of Customer Behaviour. doi:10.1362/147539221X16206323664287

Sethna, B. N., Hazari, S., Brown, C. O. (2021). Investigating value, loyalty, and trust as determinants
of purchase intention on the Pinterest social media network
, International Journal of Electronic Marketing & Retailing, 12(2), 171-194. doi:10.1504/IJEMR.2021.114246

Hazari, S. (2018). Investigating social media consumption, sports enthusiasm, and gender on sponsorship outcomes in the context of Rio Olympics, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship,

Hazari, S., Sethna, B. N., Brown, C. (2017). Determinants of Pinterest Affinity for Marketers Using Antecedents of User-platform Fit, Design, Technology, and Media Content., 12(3), International Journal of Technology Marketing, 230-251. doi: 10.1504/IJTMKT.2017.10006770

Sethna, B. N., Hazari, S., Bergiel, B. N. (2017). Influence of user generated content in online shopping: impact of gender on purchase behaviour, trust, and intention to purchase, International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 8(4), 344-271

Hazari, S., Bergiel, B. J., Sethna, B. N. (2016). Hedonic and utilitarian use of user-generated
content on online shopping websites
, Journal of Marketing Communications, 23(6), 572-591.

Hazari, S. & Thompson, S. (2015). Investigating factors affecting group processes in virtual
learning environments.
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly,78(1), 33–54. 10.1177/2329490614558920

Hazari, S., & Brown, C. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of Privacy Awareness and Concerns on Social Networking Sites, Journal of Information Privacy & Security, 9(4), 31-51.

Hazari, S., Brown, C. O., Rutledge, R. (2013). Investigating Marketing students' perceptions of active learning and social collaboration in blogs. Journal of Education for Business. 88(2), 101-108.
doi: 10.1080/08832323.2011.654141

Hazari, S. & Richards, A. (2011). A Qualitative Study of Adoption of Social Media for Personal Finance Investing. Proceedings of the 14th Southern Association of Information Systems Conference, pp. 79-82. (Note: This study used QSR International nVivo 9 software for data analysis)

Hazari, S. & Penland, T. (2010). Framework for developing and assessing business education wikis. International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies. 5(3), 1-13.

Hazari, S., North, A., Moreland, D. (2009). Investigating pedagogical implications of Wiki technology. Journal of Information Systems Education, 20(2), 187-198.

Hazari, S., Hargrave, W., & Clenney, B. (2009). An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Information Security Behavior. Journal of Information Privacy and Security, 4(4), 3-20.

Bell, D., & Hazari, S. (2009). VoIP quality and security issues for consumers and small businesses. In I. Lee (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Telecommunications Planning and Management for Business (pp. 588-598). PA: Information Science Reference.

Hazari, S., Gaytan, J., & North, A. (2008). Assessment challenges for Business Education in changing times. Journal of Applied Research in Business Instruction, 6(4), 1- 6

Hazari, S. I. (2008). Faculty Perceptions of Student Evaluation of Instruction. University of West Georgia, Department of Management.

Caverly, K. & Hazari, S. I. (2008). Student and Faculty Satisfaction with Enterprise Course Management System. In T. Kidd & H. Song (Eds.), Handbook of research on instructional systems and technology (pp. 547-559). PA: IGI Global [Note: This was collaborative publication with a Graduate student]

Gaytan, J., Hazari, S., North, A. (2008). CyberEthics across the Curriculum. In T. Kidd & H. Song (Eds.), Handbook of research on instructional systems and technology (pp. 884-895). PA: IGI Global.

Hazari, S. I., Johnson, B. (2007). Perceptions of business students' feature requirements in Educational websites, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 5(2), 545-557

Turner, D. M. & Hazari, S. I. (2007). Bringing Secure Wireless Technology to the Bedside: A Case Study of two Canadian Healthcare Organizations. In L. Al-Hakim (Ed.) Web Mobile-Based Applications for Healthcare Management.

Hazari, S. I. (2005). Using Emerging Technologies for Effective Pedagogy in Management Education, Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 575-579. PA: Idea Group.

Hazari, S. I. (2005). Perceptions of end-users on the requirements in personal firewall software: An exploratory study, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 17(3), 47-65. (This article was also selected to appear in a book, Advanced topics in End User Computing, Vol. V)

Hazari, S. I. (2004). Strategy for assessment of online course discussions. Journal of Information Systems Education, 15 (4), 349-355

Hazari, S. I. (2004). Applying Instructional Design Theories to Improve Efficacy of Technology-Assisted Presentations. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 18(2), 24-33.

Hazari, S. I. (2003). Using Emerging Technologies for Effective Pedagogy in Management Education.

Hazari, S. I. (2002). Reengineering an information security course for business management focus. Journal of Information Systems Education. 13(3), 197-204.

Hazari, S. I. (2002). Evaluation of Blackboard Course Tool at Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park.

Hazari, S. I. ( 2002). Challenges of Implementing PKI in Netcentric enterprises, Journal of Logistics Information Management, 15(5/6), 385-392.

Hazari, S. I. (2001, September). First Steps to Secure Online Behavior: Virus Issues. University of Maryland IT Forum Newsletter.

Hazari, S. I. (2001). Enterprise Application Integration in Education. eAI Journal, 3(9), 38-40

Hazari, S. I. (2001, May). Secure Online Behavior - Part I: Developing Good Security Habits

Hazari, S. I. (2001, June). Secure Online Behavior - Part II: E-mail Issues

Hazari, S. I. (2001, July). Secure Online Behavior - Part III: Web Issues

Hazari, S. I. (2000). Onlne testing methods for web-based training courses. In B. Khan (Ed.). Web-Based Training. NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Hazari, S. I. (2000, November). Firewalls for Beginners.

Hazari, S. I. (2000). The Evolution of E-commerce in Internet Time.

Hazari, S. I. (2000). Implementation and Outcomes of Business Course Development Tool. Journal of Business, Education, and Technology. 2(1), 30-39.

Hazari, S. I. (2000). What's in a (Domain) Name?

Hazari, S. I. & Schnorr, D. (1999). Leveraging Student Feedback to Improve Teaching in Web Based Courses. Technological Horizons in Education Journal, 26(11), 30-38.

Hazari, S. I. & Schnorr, D. (1999). Implementation and Outcomes of Interactive Web Course Module. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 15(3), 8-16

Hazari, S. I. (1999). Strategic Planning and Marketing Approaches for Distance Learning Initiatives. Consulting Report & Business Plan.

Hazari, S. I. (1998, November). Online Testing Methods for Web Courses. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, 155-157.

Hazari, S. I. & Schnorr, D. (1998, August). Implementation and Outcomes of Interactive Web Pages. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, 155-157.

Hazari, S. I. (1998). Evaluation and Selection of Web Course Management Tools. University of Maryland Report.

Hazari, S. I. (1998). Electronic Commerce on the World Wide Web.

Hazari, S. I. (1995). Internet Applications for Industrial Technology. Journal of Industrial Technology, 11(1), 28-33.

Hazari, S. I. (1995, April). Multiprotocol Local Area Network Design and Implementation - A Case Study. Technological Horizons in Education, 22(9), 80-85. [Also available on-line]

Hazari, S. I. (1994) An educatoršs guide to information access across the Internet. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 6(1), 91-113.

Hazari, S. I., & Reaves, R. (1994). Student Preferences toward Microcomputer User Interfaces. Computers and Education International Journal, 22(3), 225-229.

Hazari, S. I., & DuVall, J. B. (1993, December). Using distance education for Industrial Technology graduate courses. Online chronicle of distance education and communication, 7(1).

Hazari, S. I. (1993, May). Mac wins approval as easy-to-use universal interface. (Letter to Editor). PCWEEK, 10(18), p. 80.

Hazari, S. I. (1993). Emerging Trends in Technology Education Computer Applications. The Technology Teacher, 52(8), 27-32.

Chin, R. A, DuVall, J. B., & Hazari, S. I. (Eds.). (1992). Guidelines for developing successful research proposals. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.

Hazari, S. I. (1992, March). Funding Database for Industry and Technology Faculty. East Carolina University.

Hazari, S. I. (1992, Spring). Needs Assessment for faculty computer training in Third World countries. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 20(4), 321-325.

Hazari, S. I. (1992) Multimedia: Is it the right tool for your instructional application. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1(2), 143-146.

Hazari, S. I. (1991). A LAN Primer. The Computing Teacher, 19(3), 14-17.

Hazari, S.I. (1991). Upgrade/Replace decisions of CAD based microcomputer systems. Proceedings of the ASEE-EDGD 1991-92 Mid Year Conference, 93-96.

Hazari, S.I. (1991). Managing a Microcomputer Laboratory. Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Regional Meeting, 155-157.

Hazari, S. I. (1991). A Computer Literacy Training Model. Computers and Education International Journal, 17(2), 163-167.

Hazari, S. I. (1991). Microcomputer Training for Higher Education Faculty. Educational Technology, 23(10), 48-51.

Hazari, S. I. (1990). Do you know your modem's AT? Tech Trends, 35(3).

Hazari, S. I. (1990). Using E-mail across computer networks. Collegiate Microcomputer, 8(3), 210-214.

Hazari, S. I. (1990, August). Development of a training model for microcomputer instruction of a college faculty. (Doctoral dissertation, West Virginia University, 1990).


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